you're not alone. Relate has blogs, resources, books, and self-help tools for just about every relationship problem out there.
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Second marriage
Starting a new relationship? Second marriages and partnerships come with their own set of challenges.
What happens after a separation?
The decision to separate is never an easy one.
Learning to love being single
It can be easy to feel as if there’s something wrong with being single.
Why do people cheat?
When someone’s cheated on by their partner, they’re often left asking: why?
My partner still talks to their ex
When a relationship ends sometimes both of you prefer not to stay in touch.
Feeling insecure
Feeling insecure in your relationship can be really painful and upsetting. It can manifest itself in all kinds of ways.
Find your nearest Relate centre
Relate has local Centres across the UK. The services each Centre provides varies, because each centre tailors their services - such as couples counselling, sex therapy, and counselling for children and your people - to the needs of their local community