Policy, research and good practice work forms a major part of our efforts to address and find solutions for relationship issues. Here you can browse our reports, briefings and evaluations.
Family Hubs offer
As the government looks to invest in Family Hubs, we are pleased to set out a detailed menu of our services which we can make available to Local Authorities, Combined Authorities, and Family Hub Partnerships. These Relate services can also be tailored and adapted to meet local needs and budgets.
To learn more, get in touch with Jude.Gordon@relate.org.uk

The Way We Are Now 2021
We teamed up with eharmony to release a report highlighting the importance of self-esteem for love, relationships and wellbeing as lockdown restrictions ease. Read more.

Men's Heads and Hearts: A male perspective on dating and relationships in the UK today
As we emerge from what has been an extraordinary 18 months, we wanted to explore specifically how men are feeling about dating and relationships. From previous research and from our own experiences supporting couples and individuals with their relationships and wellbeing, we know that men often find it harder than women to ask for and seek help.

Try to See it My Way - Improving relationship support for men (2013)
This report explores what is known about men's attitudes to help-seeking in general and more specifically about relationship support. It draws upon the emerging evidence base around relationship support and highlights some clear themes around which men and women differ in their approach to relationship difficulties.
Organisations involved: Men's Health Forum and Relate