You might be experiencing problems at school, issues with your parents or generally not feeling like yourself. Counselling lets you talk about how you feel, separate from school and home life and can help you get back to enjoying life.
What is young people's counselling?
Young people's counselling is for any young person who's having problems. Whether it's depression and mental health concerns or issues with parents or people at school. Talking to a counsellor can help.
What to expect
You can expect to be helped by a supportive and non-judgmental counsellor either at a local Relate Centre near your home, or you might see a counsellor in school. They'll start off by undertaking an initial assessment to make sure Relate is a good fit for you.
You can be referred by a teacher, social worker, or you can ask to see a counsellor yourself – what you say is confidential unless the counsellor is worried about your safety.