you're not alone. Relate has blogs, resources, books, and self-help tools for just about every relationship problem out there.
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How to support your child in exploring their gender identity
This blog was authored by Rosel Jackson Stern, a journalist and artist whose work primarily covers culture, politics and art.
Dealing with rejection
Rejection hurts, but it's a normal part of life. It's important to learn from it, build resilience, and keep trying.
I think my child is being bullied
It’s a common anxiety for many parents – what to do if their child is being bullied.
What’s the difference between playground banter and serious bullying? How can you help your child if you think they are being bullied?
You expect that your child should follow the rules and go to school during the week but they’ve decided to do something else.
My child has been accused of a crime
Every parent dreads their teenager being accused of a crime or anti-social behaviour.
Helping your teenager find a job
If your teenager has decided it’s time for their first job you may wonder how you can support the process.
Feeling bored in your relationship
Relationships are funny things. Starting a new one can feel like going for a drive in a flash sports car - exciting, fun, a little bit crazy.
Getting bullied at school
Bullies are very cunning and they are expert at getting away with it.
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Relate has local Centres across the UK. The services each Centre provides varies, because each centre tailors their services - such as couples counselling, sex therapy, and counselling for children and your people - to the needs of their local community