Our trustees are responsible for the overall running and management of Relate and oversee all our major decisions.
What is a trustee?
Trustees are voting members of our governing body and set out the strategic direction of the charity. They ensure we're well managed and meet our objectives, and are also responsible by law for our financial security and transparency. It's a big responsibility!
Being a trustee is very much a local commitment; we have Centres across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, each a separate registered charity which needs trustees for its board. As a Trustee you can look forward to serving and forging links within your own community and could also participate in national consultative forums.
Trustee boards need people with a range of skills and experience, including:
- management
- finance and business
- legal
- public relations
- information technology
- fundraising
More broadly, we're looking for people who can support our mission to promote health, respect and justice in the nation's relationships. Alongside experience in one or more of the above areas, you'll also do well as a trustee if you:
- communicate effectively
- feel comfortable making policy decisions
- identify with the needs of people whose relationships are breaking down
- understand the benefits of our work in education and training
- have a basic understanding of finances and how charities work
- work effectively in a team
- show leadership.
To find out more about trustee openings, check our jobs page or contact your local Centre.