Co-parenting from separate houses

This free toolkit is here to help you make co-parenting from separate homes work smoothly, whether you’re just beginning or looking to find a better balance together.

What's included?

The co-parenting from separate houses toolkit involves a blend of reflection, conversation topics, and action across a range of topics including:

  • Effective communication
  • Handling conflicts
  • Supporting your child's wellbeing
  • Self care
  • And more

Here's a sneak peak of just some of the things you'll find inside...

An image of a page in the toolkit which has an exercise for creating a co-parenting agreement.
Exercises to help you with practical elements of co-parenting from separate houses.
An image of a page in the toolkit about how to manage staying consistent.
Advice on specific coparenting topics, such as staying consistent.
An image of a page in the toolkit with an exercise for creating a shared coparenting calendar.
Exercises to help you manage time and make plans whilst coparenting.

Who is this workbook for?

The how to coparent from different houses toolkit is designed for anyone managing parenting from different homes, whether you're new to co-parenting or looking for fresh strategies. It’s ideal if you’re not sure where to start or need guidance to create a smoother dynamic.

Inside, you’ll find practical tips, conversation starters, and activities to try on your own or with your co-parent. You can focus on what feels right for you - there’s no need to tackle everything at once.

This toolkit isn’t a substitute for professional counselling. If you’re facing bigger challenges, seeking advice from a professional can make a real difference.

How much does the workbook cost and how do I buy it?

The how to co-parent from different houses toolkit is free. You can download the toolkit using the button below.

Download the toolkit