The Relate Guide to Sex and Intimacy

Sex and intimacy are what make couple relationships special and different. Our sex lives can be wonderfully reassuring when they go well, but we all have times when we don't feel so close and sex isn't working or isn't happening. 

The good news is that there's plenty you can do to turn things around and recapture fading intimacy. Steering you through practical exercises, examples, quizzes and talking points, author and Sex Therapist Cate Campbell takes a realistic look at modern relationships and shows you how to:

  • Identify your sexual and intimacy needs
  • Find new ways to express yourself sexually
  • Understand and manage problems when they arise
  • Improve sexual communication
  • Relax, de-stress and enjoy your relationship
  • Know how to make a good sex life even better

Whatever the stage of your life or relationship, this book will inspire and enable you to take control, develop relationship intimacy and sustain a satisfying sex life. 

Buy the book now.

The front cover of the Relate guide to sex and intimacy by Cate Campbell

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