Corey's story

The biggest thing I’ve taken from counselling is that you should speak to people about how you’re feeling and not hold it all in.

When Corey was 16 he got involved with a gang. Weapons and drugs became part of his everyday life and a way for him to unleash his anger.

My brother had health problems that demanded a lot of attention which didn’t leave much room for me. I never felt like I had anyone to talk to so I bottled things up and got angry instead.

Corey knew that he was on the wrong track but his frustration kept him caught in a vicious cycle. He tried several times to leave the gang until one day several of the members were arrested for instigating a violent attack. He knew he’d had a lucky escape and that it was time to get out while he still could.

I decided to leave the gang, but then I just ended up getting into fights at school. Without my mates from the gang I felt really alone.

Seeking help

Corey’s mum had become increasingly concerned about him. She loved her son so much but being a single parent with a really sick child to look after meant that she didn’t have much time or energy left for Corey. A friend stepped in and suggested that she ask Corey try some counselling with us at Relate.

I didn’t want to go at first. What could a stranger tell me? How could they understand me? But I went anyway. The first session was a bit scary and it was weird because I’d never been able to talk to someone so openly before. But the counsellor asked me lots of questions about what made me angry and it helped to get out all the feelings I’d been keeping in.

Where's Corey now?

Corey ended up attending ten sessions with a counsellor. The more he talked, the more he realised that he was OK. That his feelings were normal and that he wouldn’t always be trapped in this angry cycle.

The biggest thing I’ve taken from counselling is that you should speak to people about how you’re feeling and not hold it all in.

*This case study is loosely based on the kind of scenarios we work with, as opposed to a specific client. Relate never shares the stories of our clients without permission, even with names and details changed.

How can we help

If you feel like you need some support in your relationship there are lots of ways we can help

* This case study is loosely based on the kind of scenarios we work with, as opposed to a specific client. Relate never shares the stories of our clients without permission, even with names and details changed.