Relate’s role is to help people build better relationships by:
- Enhancing the quality of couple, parental and family relationships
- Helping relationships and marriages withstand the pressures leading to breakdown
- Limiting the damage which commonly accompanies failing relationships, separation and divorce and increase the prospect of subsequent relationships succeeding
Relate believes that:
- An individual’s physical well-being and emotional and mental health benefit from a committed relationship
- Children thrive in families where relationships are positive and free from destructive conflict
- People gain from an understanding of their sexuality
- Expressing clear commitment is a helpful contribution to a healthy and secure couple relationship
Relate aims to deliver its services with cultural sensitivity and without discrimination.
Confidentiality and Safety
Violence and abuse is an issue for many people who come to us for help with their relationship. We know from experience that in this situation, working with both partners may not be safe. If this is so, we would help each partner to get individual specialist support from Relate or another agency.
Relate offers private and confidential help to our clients. We will not normally give your name or any information from or about you to anyone outside the organisation unless we have reason to believe that someone, especially a child, is at risk of serious harm.