We know that families can be a wonderful source of support, but they can also present challenges too. If your family is working through something difficult at the moment, you may find it useful to talk to a counsellor.
What is Family Counselling?
Family Counselling can help with all kinds of things, from long running issues to things that have only come up following a big change.
Perhaps a member of the family has recently gotten remarried. Or maybe a long running feud is causing lots of upset. You might be struggling to get on with your in-laws, or finding it difficult to parent your child or young person.
These are just a few examples. Whatever you need help with, our counsellors provide a safe and confidential environment where you can talk things over with someone who won't take sides.
What happens in Family Counselling?
You can choose to come to Family Counselling alone or with other members of your family.
When you meet your counsellor, they'll ask you about what's going on and what you'd like to see change. If there is more than one person present, they'll listen to each person in turn and make sure that everybody gets a chance to speak.
What's the cost of Family Counselling?
We are a charity and don't make a profit from the services we provide. We currently charge £77 for each Family Counselling session. We know that you might have concerns about the cost of living right now, and we have a variety of options available for people on lesser incomes or who might struggle to pay.
The best way to find out if we can help is to get in touch.
Book an appointment
To find out more about Family Counselling or to arrange an appointment get in touch with us.
Telephone us on 01293 657055
Or email us at reception@relatesussex.org
Our team is ready to help you.