Support for some members of the Armed Forces

Relationship support for our armed forces community

Relationship support for our armed forces community

It can be tough for our armed forces keeping relationships together in these difficult times with diverse worldwide demands, increasingly long deployments, transition into civilian life, rollback from Germany to name but a few of the pressures.  This is why Relate nationally has been chosen by the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force to provide relationship support and Relate Dorset, South Wiltshire and South Somerset is able to help you and your family in a number of ways.

You may not even be in a relationship – you may be recently separated, divorced, widowed or have been single for a while.  Whatever your circumstances, talking to one of Relate’s friendly and professional counsellors can help you to work through any issues at your own pace.

The Navy and Air Force each manages in a different way how couples or individuals are referred to the Relate service and this is summarised below, and if you would like more information or to learn about what happens during a confidential therapy programme please read the information under each of our services or call our enquires number.

Royal Navy and Royal Marines

The RN and RM Charity sponsor the programme which is available to serving personnel and / or their partners and family and to veterans.  Whether you're married, living together, in a same-sex relationship, separated, divorced or single, Relate can help.

Everything you say to your counsellor will remain completely confidential.  No one in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines will be told that you have accessed these services unless there are safeguarding issues.  You will need to provide your or your partner’s service number to receive the service, but this is simply to confirm eligibility.

RN/RM personnel or their partners and veterans self-refer by calling the RNRMC dedicated number 01302 380 279 which will be answered by a Relate professional and is confidential.


What’s available

Adult Relationship Counselling (6 sessions), Family Counselling (6 sessions), Young People’s Counselling (6 sessions) and Sex Therapy (21 sessions) and each of these can be conducted through face to face, telephone, email, web or live chat. Please note with effect from 1st January 2024 a contribution of £35.00 per session will apply only for Veterans.

A service for RN / RM personnel and veterans called Building Stonger Families was launched in 2019. Building Stronger Families is an online learning programme supporting couple relationships and families.  Take a look, it's proving very popular.

Royal Air Force

The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund support the programme  which is available to serving RAF personnel, their partners and family and veterans, whether they are married, living together, separated, divorced, in a same sex relationship, civil partnership, or coping with the end of a relationship.  

Everything you say to your counsellor will remain completely confidential.  If you are serving no one in the Royal Air Force will be told that you have accessed these services unless there are safeguarding issues.  You will need to provide your or your partner’s service number to receive the service, but this is simply to confirm eligibility.

RAF personnel or their partners and veterans self-refer either by calling the RAF dedicated number 0845 077 5556 or contacting your local Relate centre in this case Relate Dorset and South Wilts, by calling 01302 380 900 or email us at  In both cases your enquiry will be dealt with by a Relate professional and is confidential.


What’s available

Adult Relationship Counselling (6 sessions), Family Counselling (6 sessions) and Sex Therapy (12 sessions) and each of these can be conducted through face to face, telephone, email, web or live chat.

RAF personnel and their families and veterans also have access to a self-directed RAFBF online learning programme supporting couple relationships and families called Building Stonger Families.

Relate is also managing a Family Mediation Service for RAF Personnel, please call 0845 077 5556 for more information.

Some Relate centres also provide a Relate relationship coaching course to help keep a good relationship strong or give you the skills to cope with difficult relationships.  Relate Dorset is not able to provide this course at the moment, but for more information please call 0845 077 5556.