5 Top Tips for Setting Relationship Goals

5 Top Tips for Setting Relationship Goals and 4 Reasons Why You Should

Why is it important to set relationship goals?

Whilst the phrase "Setting Relationship Goals" sounds quite business like, the results are not!

Rather than achieving specific outcomes, relationship goals are about fostering growth, understanding and mutual fulfilment, making your relationship stronger. 

Benefits of agreeing relationship goals include:

  • you can create a shared vision for the future and check that you are both on the same page!  This shared purpose strengthens the sense of unity between you and you commitment to each other and the relationship.
  • agreeing goals needs open and honest communication.  Talking about your desires, expectations ad dreams can help you both to gain a deeper understanding of each other's values and priorities.
  • Actively supporting each other in pursuing both your individual and shared goals strengthens the trust between you and increases your emotional intimacy.
  • life is unpredictable and relationships will inevitably face challenges.  Having clear agreed goals can help you navigate these difficulties with a shared sense of purpose and help you focus on your commitment to each other. 

5 top tips on how agree your relationship goals

  • a good place to start is looking at what your individual values, aspirations and priorities.  Share these with your partner and encourage them to do the same.  This will help you see what you have in common and the areas where you goals naturally match, making sure that you are on the same page and looking for te same things!
  • agree both short term and long term goals.  Short term goals could be things like improving your communication skills or planning a special date night.  Longer term goals might be about career aspirations, relocating or family planning.
  • prioritise your goals.  How important are they to you both individually and to the relationship as a whole?  Be prepared to compromise and find a middle ground.  Remember, you are a team working towards shared success.
  • make an action plan.  You won't achieve anything without one!  Break down larger goals into smaller steps.  Regularly revisit and adjust your plan together.  Don't be afraid to challenge the goals or replace them if they no longer feel relevant.
  • celebrate both the big and small achievements along the way.  This helps reinforce the positive aspects of your relationship and help motivate you both.  Enjoy the journey together and don't lose sight of the here and now by always looking ahead to the next goal.


Setting relationship goals is not a one size fits all thing.  Don't compare yourselves to other couples.  Set goals that are meaningful to you both and will strengthen and deepen your relationship and that make you both happy.